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Наслов: Introducing Emotional Intelligence in the Translation Classroom
Authors: Sazdovska-Pigulovska, Milena
Popovska, Solzica 
Keywords: emotional intelligence, translation and interpreting, soft skills
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Frank & Timme: Berlin, Germany
Source: Sazdovska-Pigulovska, Milena; Popovska, Solzica. (2020). Introducing Emotional Intelligence in the Translation Classroom. In Proceedings of the International Conference: “Resources and Tools for Translation and Interpreting Education: Research Studies, Teaching Concepts, Best-Practice Results”. “Karl Franzens Universität” - Graz, Austria, pp. 271-278, Frank & Timme: Berlin
Проект: International scholarly project "Possibilities for strengthening emotional intelligence as a generic competence in translation and interpreting students"
Conference: “Resources and Tools for Translation and Interpreting Education: Research Studies, Teaching Concepts, Best-Practice Results”. “Karl Franzens Universität” - Graz, Austria
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30552
ISBN: 978-3-7329-0685-7
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philology: Conference papers

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