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Наслов: How to deal with uncertainties in increasingly complex environment? (The new cartography of risk and crises) Proceedings of the international scientific conference held in Cavtat – Dubrovnik September 27-29, 2022
Authors: Keković, Zoran (ed.)
Duev, Ratko (ed.) 
Polović, Jadranka (ed.)
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Faculty of Philosophy – Institute for Security, Defense and Peace, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University; Center for Risk Analysis and Crisis Management (CARUK), Belgrade, Serbia; Institute for Standardization of Serbia (ISS); Faculty of Criminal Investigation, Criminology and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo
Source: Keković, Z., Duev, R., Polović, J. (eds) (2023). How to deal with uncertainties in increasingly complex environment? (The new cartography of risk and crises) Proceedings of the international scientific conference held in Cavtat – Dubrovnik September 27-29, 2022. Faculty of Philosophy – Institute for Security, Defense and Peace, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University; Center for Risk Analysis and Crisis Management (CARUK), Belgrade, Serbia; Institute for Standardization of Serbia (ISS); Faculty of Criminal Investigation, Criminology and Security Studies, University of Sarajevo
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/27028
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 02: Monographs / Монографии

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