Ве молиме користете го овој идентификатор да го цитирате или поврзете овој запис: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25597
Наслов: No social distancing from food: How the COVID-19 pandemic shaped student food-related activities in the Western Balkans
Authors: Hassen, Tarek Ben
Bilali, Hamid El
Allahyari, Mohammad S
Berjan, Sinisa
Radosavac, Adriana
Cvijanovic, Drago
Bogevska, Zvezda 
Despotovic, Aleksandra
Vaško, Željko
Issue Date: 10-јан-2023
Publisher: SAGE Publications
Journal: Nutrition and health
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced food preparation and consumption habits, as well as food wastage. The pandemic also affected the lives of university students worldwide; their learning and living environments changed, influencing their eating habits.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25597
DOI: 10.1177/02601060221143964
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food: Journal Articles

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