Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 2716
PreviewTitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Future of the Balkans in the Time of Integration and Globalization – Dangers and Challenges of Contemporary TimesSulejmani, Rizvan; GJurovski, Marjan Aug-2021Journal Article
The Importance of Crisis Communications as a Part of the Crisis Management System Through the Prism of the Conflict in 2001 in the Republic of MacedoniaGelevski, Sasho; Dujovski, Nikola; GJurovski, Marjan ; Gjurov, Lazar15-Dec-2021Journal Article
Shaping the Future of the Balkans Through Differentiated Integration: the EU ExperienceIlik, Goran; GJurovski, Marjan ; Ilievski, Nikola2020Journal Article
Challenges and Priorities of Cooperation Between Higher Education and Business CommunityMarkoski, Goce; GJurovski, Marjan 2021Journal Article
The security system of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Covid-19 pandemicsNikolovski, Marjan; GJurovski, Marjan Dec-2021Journal Article
Responsibility in the Time of CrisisDonev, Dejan ; Skalovski, Denko 2023Journal Article
Предметни програми по филозофскиот корпус предмети (филозофија, логика, етика и естетика) во средното образование во Р.МакедонијаДонев, Дејан ; и други2019Journal Article
O nespornom značaju etičkih kodeksa u novinarstvuDonev, Dejan ; Vojinović, MajaDec-2022Journal Article
Support and Education for Families of Children With Disabilities: Exploring Parental Perspectives and RecommendationKeskinova, Angelka 2023Journal Article
Поддршка и едукација за семејствата на деца со попреченост: истражување на родителските перспективи и препоракиКескинова, Ангелка 2023Journal Article
The Importance of Men’s Health CareRadulovikj, Makedonka ; Mitevski, Martin2023Journal Article
Важноста од грижата за машкото здравјеРадуловиќ, Македонка ; Митевски, Мартин2023Journal Article
Gender Equality and Artificial IntelligenceBadarevski, Bobi 2023Journal Article
Родовата еднаквост и вештачка интелигенцијаБадаревски, Боби 2023Journal Article
The Cultural Conceptions of Masculinity and Femininity: the Divergence of Masculine and Feminine CultureSimonovska, Suzana ; Vasev, Stefan2023Journal Article
Културните концепции за мажественоста и женственоста: дивергенција на маскулинистичка и феминистичка култураСимоновска, Сузана ; Васев, Стефан2023Journal Article
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Phenomenon of ManSkalovski, Denko 2023Journal Article
Пјер Тејар Де Шарден и феноменот човекСкаловски, Денко 2023Journal Article
The Importance of Hiking and the Role of the Hiking Guide in Supporting People With AutismChichevska Jovanova, Natasha ; Rashikj Canevska, Olivera 2023Journal Article
Важноста на планинарењето и улогата на планинарскиот водич во поддршката на лицата со аутизамЧичевска Јованова, Наташа ; Рашиќ Цаневска, Оливера 2023Journal Article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 2716