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Наслов: Media "Installation" of Refugees in Public Space (Practices and Policies)
Authors: Tomevska Ilievska, Elizabeta 
Stojanoska Ivanova, Tatjana 
Keywords: media, media installation, refugees, marginalized groups, public space.
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Филозофски факултет, Скопје
Source: Еlizabeta Tomevska Ilievska, Tatjana Stojanoska Ivanova (2019). Media "Installation" of Refugees in Public Space (Practices and Policies). Security Dialogues.
Journal: Security Dialogues
Abstract: The paper deals with a serious and contemporary problem that refers to three significant sociological phenomena: the media ,,installation” in contemporary society, the refugees as a marginalized group, who were part of the reality of our spaces and the public ,,discourse”. The paper starts from the view that the media in the global society are one of the most influential factors that create the public opinion and from the content aspect shape the media space and set the appropriate media ,,installation”. On the other hand, refugees as marginalized sections of the population are a kind of challenge facing modern democratic societies, as well as societies in transition. In this context, the media were put before a ,,test” for the proper and proper treatment of ,,one” category of marginalized refugee groups. The media ,,installation” of refugees in the public space was a kind of attempt to break down the myth of ,,refugee’s media invisibility” as a marginalized group and disprove their media establishment in the public space.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/9128
ISSN: 1857-7172
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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