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Наслов: Translation-modulation invariant Banach spaces of ultradistributions
Authors: Dimovski, Pavel
Pilipovic, Stevan
Prangoski, Bojan 
Vindas, Jasson
Issue Date: 30-апр-2018
Publisher: Springer US
Journal: Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications
Abstract: We introduce and study a new class of translation–modulation invariant Banach spaces of ultradistributions. These spaces show stability under Fourier transform and tensor products; furthermore, they have a natural Banach convolution module structure over a certain associated Beurling algebra, as well as a Banach multiplication module structure over an associated Wiener–Beurling algebra. We also investigate a new class of modulation spaces, the Banach spaces of ultradistributions MF on Rd , associated to translation–modulation invariant Banach spaces of ultradistributions F on R2d .
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/754
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00041-018-9610-x
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy: Journal Articles

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