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Наслов: The positive impact of bioprotective culture on certain burger parameters
Authors: Uzunoska Zora, Pejkovski Zlatko, Kalevska Tanja, Belichovska Daniela, Belichovska Katerina, Stamatovska Viktorija
Keywords: additives; biopreservatives; substitution; bioculture
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Institute of Animal Science, "Ss Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje
Journal: Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp 31–39
Abstract: The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of bioprotective culture (Lactobacillus sakei) on certain parameters of burgers, under industrial condition. Four groups of burgers were produced: without additives (R), as referent ones; with additives and antioxidants (R/B/A); with bioculture B-2 SafePro (Lactobacillus sakei) added (R/L); and with B-2 SafePro, additives and antioxidants (R/L/B/A). The lowest pH was determined in R/L/B/A, and the highest in R/B/A, 3 days after production, although the difference was minimal (6.105 v. 6.125). However, 7 days after production, the difference between R/L and the rest of the 3 groups was evident, the lowest pH was determined in R/L, and the highest in R products (5.792 v. 5.966). The grilling weight loss was the highest in R/L compared to other groups, R, R/B/A. R/L/B/A (15.75 % v.14.225, 12.237, 12.75 %). The best sensory characteristics were given to R/L and the worse to R burgers, 7 days after production (89.125 v. 48.125). The results of 90 days storage (at –18°C), have showed the lowest values of Thibarbituric Acid Reductive Substances (TBARS) (0.567 mg/kg) in R/L/B/A. The highest total bacteria count (higher number of Lactobacillus sakei colonies notified) was present in R/L burgers. An addition of bioprotectective culture to burgers has a positive impact on their pH, sensory characteristics and microbial profile inducing prolonged shelf life of burgers.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7058
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food: Journal Articles

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