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Наслов: On the compounds with αὐτός in Mycenaean and Post-Mycenaean Greek
Authors: Dzukeska, Elena 
Issue Date: 2018
Source: "On the compounds with αὐτός in Mycenaean and Post-Mycenaean Greek", во "Aula: The Quest for the Treasures of Language, Thought and Culture, Studies Presented to Margarita Buzalkovska Aleksova on the Occasion of her Retirement", E. Dzukeska and V. Dimovska (eds.), Systasis Special Edition 4, 2018, стр. 100-117.
Journal: Systasis
Abstract: The emphatic pronoun αὐτός is extensively used in nominal composition in Ancient Greek. At least one form in genitive au-to-jo, confirms that this pronoun was already in use in Mycenaean Greek and several forms with au-to- (or au-) as first member testify that compounds with αὐτός were also common in the Mycenaean period of the Greek language. The aim of this paper is to discuss the possibilities for interpretation of the Mycenaean forms and then to attempt to establish similarities and differences regarding the use of αὐτός in nominal composition in Mycenaean and Post-Mycenaean Greek.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/681
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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