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Наслов: Два британски документа за формирањето на Сеамериканскиот словенски конгрес (25 и 26 април 1942 г.) во Детроит.
Authors: Николова, Славица
Авировиќ, Ирена 
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ЗИРМ
Source: Николова С., Авировиќ И. (2016). Два британски документа за формирањето на Сеамериканскиот словенски конгрес (25 и 26 април 1942 г.) во Детроит. Историја (Journal of History), год. L/LI, Скопје, 2015/2016, бр. 1, ЗИРМ, стр. 217-238.
Journal: Историја / Journal of History
Abstract: Approximately 15 million Americans of Slavic origin lived in the United States of America at the beginning of World War II. All those people had taken along the national and political disunity of their homeland in the new country, which basically was the main reason for the persistent disagreements among Slavic immigrant groups. But in the ongoing wartime situation, those millions Americans of Slavic origin were faced with the real need to include the Slavic masses in the general effort of the American people for organizing the defense against the Axis powers. In the same time, the Americans of Slavic origin had to make efforts to overcome their disagreements transferred from the old homeland, as well as the request of ways of their possible unification, in order to actively engage in the fight against Nazi fascism.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/6711
ISSN: 0579-0263
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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