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Наслов: Open and transparent budget process in Western Balkan Countries
Authors: Nikolov, Marjan
Trenovski, Borce 
Dimovska, Gabriela
Keywords: budget transparency, Western Balkans, open budget index
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Center for Economic Analyses
Source: Nikolov, M., Trenovski, B. and Dimovska, G., 2015. Open and transparent budget process in Western Balkan Countries. CEA Journal of Economics, 10(1).
Journal: CEA Journal of Economics
Abstract: Budget openness and transparency are key elements of the effective management of public finances, determining the fiscal risks, rational financial decision-making, increasing accountability by policy makers and improving fiscal policies. It is difficult to define budget transparency, and also its measurement is an exceptional challenge. This is because different researchers/institutions use different ways (mostly questionnaires or surveys) to measure the fiscal transparency. Our research is mainly focused on elaborating the openness of budget processes in Western Balkan countries (as a specific group of countries consisted of: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Kosovo and Serbia) dominantly based on a globally accepted methodology designed by Open Budget Partnership (Open Budget Index and Open Budget Survey Tracker), and partly on our own analysis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/4754
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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