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Наслов: Computational Methods For Water Quality Index Calculation Using Real-Time Measurement System
Authors: Koleva, Radmila
Zaev, Emil 
Babunski, Darko 
Stefanovski, Damjan
Rath, Gerhard
Keywords: real-time monitoring;
water quality index;
Issue Date: 11-јун-2024
Publisher: IEEE
Проект: This research was supported by a Macedonian-Austrian bilateral project financed by the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Austrian WTZ/OAED.
Conference: 2024 13th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)
Abstract: The main focus point of this research is the analysis of the computational methods used for Water Quality Index (WQI) calculation using a real-time measurement System. For the calculations, a prototype of a cheap IoT system for measuring surface water quality has been used. The monitoring system incorporates sensors for temperature, turbidity (NTU), and pH. These parameters are measured through probes submerged directly into the water sample. The probes are connected to an Arduino Uno microcontroller, and through Bluetooth wireless communication, the measured data is transferred to a mobile device and displayed on an application. Also, the measured data are saved on a personal computer for their further processing. The collected data from the IoT system is calculated and presented in real time. Using real-time monitoring we can get instant information for the possible water contamination.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30930
DOI: 10.1109/meco62516.2024.10577806
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Conference papers

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