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dc.contributor.authorBorisov Dejan, Борисов Дејанen_US
dc.descriptionЈубилеен зборник по повод 50-годишнината од прогласувањето на автокефалноста на Македонската православна црква - Охридска архиепископија OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE RELIGION IN EASTERN EUROPE, Special Issue for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Declaration of the Autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Churchen_US
dc.description.abstractThe restoration of the abolished Ohrid Archbishopric did not begin with the process at end of the World War II, but immediately after its abolition in the eighteen century. The restoration of the Ohrid Archbishopric as the Macedonian Orthodox Church is in full accordance with the Church tradition and practices established by the other Local Orthodox churches in the process of obtaining their autocephaly during the nineteenth adn twentieth centuries.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSkopska pravoslavna eparhijaen_US
dc.publisherПравославен богословски факултет „Свети Климент Охридски“ - Скопјеen_US
dc.subjectOhrid Archbishopric, Metropolitan Theodosius (Gologanov), Bulgarian Exarchate, Constantinople Patriarchate, Autocephalous United Orthodox Church of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovens, autocephalyen_US
dc.titleRoad to the restoration of the Ohrid Archbishopricen_US
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