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Наслов: Establishment of Effective Mechanisms for Private Enforcement of Competition Law in the Republic of North Macedonia – An Inevitable Step for the Near Future, or an Elusve Fiction?
Authors: Kocev, Ljuben 
Keywords: antitrust law
public enforcement of competition law
private enforcement of competition law
group representation
class actions
compensation for damages
Issue Date: 15-дек-2023
Publisher: Faculty of Economics-Skopje, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Conference: 4th international conference "Economic and Business Trends Shaping the Future"
Abstract: Competition law plays a crucial role in the efficient functioning of the free market economy. It aims to deter potential infringers, detect anticompetitive behavior, sanction those behaviors, and finally, compensate the affected parties of these behaviors. Historically, competition law has been used predominately as a deterrent mechanism, and only if violations are detected, as a mechanism to sanction the wrongdoers. Compensation of victims has played a secondary role. However, in the past decade, there were many scandals such as Dieselgate, Cambridge Analytica, and Ryanair's mass cancellation of flights, which resulted in mass harm suffered by consumers. This, coupled with the lack of capacity of many national competition agencies to discover and tackle anticompetitive actions of many large companies solely on their own, imposed the idea for the strengthening of the private enforcement of competition law. The paper aims to analyze the latest trends in the sphere of private enforcement of competition law on a global scale, primarily through an examination of the competition laws of the USA and the EU, before focusing on the current situation in the Republic of North Macedonia.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/28859
DOI: http://doi.org/10.47063/EBTSF.2023.0021
Appears in Collections:Conference Proceedings: Economic and Business Trends Shaping the Future

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