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Наслов: Ликот на свети Григориј Охридски низ призмата на неколку архивски извори
Authors: Nedeski, Viktor
Keywords: St. Gregory of Ohrid, hagiology, Ohrid, cult of saints
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Државен архив на Република Северна Македонија
Source: „Ликот на свети Григориј Охридски низ призмата на неколку архивски извори“, Македонски архивист 27-28 (2020) 43-48
Journal: Македонски архивист
Abstract: Among the many saints of Ohrid in the calendar of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, under the date January 8/21 we find the name of St. Gregory of Ohrid. Unlike the Macedonian historiography, which barely mentions Saint Gregory of Ohrid, his personality would particularly attract the attention of many Russian and Bulgarian researchers of the 19th and 20th centuries. It is striking that the name of St. Gregory of Ohrid is completely absent in the Greek and Latin old synaxars. Researchers reconstruct the life of St. Gregory on the basis of three primary sources: the Jewish (Archival) Chronograph from the late 15th century, the partly preserved inscription from the Church of St. Sophia in Ohrid, and Ostromir's Gospel from the 11th century. By analyzing these sources it is concluded that the reverence of St. Gregory of Ohrid was due to the uncritical combination of references to the name Gregory in several sources and that such a bishop and saint never actually existed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25387
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Theology: Journal Articles

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