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Наслов: State Competitions in Informatics and the Supporting Online Learning and Contest Management System with...
Authors: Kostadinov, Bojan
Stankov, Emil 
Mihova, Marija 
Gushev, Marjan 
Keywords: programming contests, collaboration, grading systems, automatic grading, contest management system
Issue Date: 2013
Journal: Olympiads in Informatics
Abstract: . Macedonia has a tradition of organizing programming contests for high-school students as long as the tradition of IOI. In the last few years the organizer, the Computer Society of Macedonia (CSM), used the online learning and contest management system MENDO, firstly for the organization and carrying out of the national contests, and also for the promotion of the contests, programming and algorithmic thinking. CSM tries to provide a portal for the students that will offer complete learning materials and tools, and that will motivate them and allow them to learn programming and prepare for the competitions. In this paper we will present MENDO with its new features, and we will mention some new and original features for collaboration and personalization. At the end, we will present the great improvements in sense of the number of contestants and achievements of Macedonian students at the international competitions, showing that MENDO is a valuable asset for organization of competitions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24027
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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