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Наслов: The Islamic State - A Terrorist Organization, a Criminal Organization or an Insurgency?
Authors: Miloshevska, Tanja 
Keywords: Islamic state, terrorism, insurgency, movement, crime.
Issue Date: дек-2017
Publisher: Ministry of Defense, Republic of Macedonia
Source: Miloshevska, T. (2017). "The Islamic State - A Terrorist Organization, a Criminal Organization or an Insurgency?" Contemporary Macedonian Defense 17.33, pp. 21-30.
Journal: Contemporary Macedonian Defense
Abstract: This paper explores ISIS activities primarily as an insurgent outfit, but also like a well-oiled organized criminal syndicate-like business, and, as the paper will focus later on, a state-building actor. The objective of this article is to examine more closely and explore the IS militancy under the “terrorist” nomenclature umbrella, and argue that the group has pushed beyond these ambits. The paper will conclude that the group is a hybrid organization with the characteristics of various non-state actors, while also demonstrating signs of a nascent de facto state.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/22694
ISSN: 1409-8199
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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