Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 435
PreviewTitleAuthor(s)Issue DateType
Slavic Countries and the Romanesque ArtFilipova, Snezhana 2024Proceeding article
Archaeological Data on the Great Aegean MigrationsMitrevski, Dragi 2024Proceeding article
Education of students for cultural heritage care - studying the past is the way to the futureIkonomoska, Angela 2024Proceeding article
International Scientific Conference 75 Year Jubilee of the Institute of Art History and ArchaeologyJakimovski, Antonio ; Dimitrova, Elizabeta 2024Book
Legal Argumentation on Trial: Dissenting Judicial Opinions in Cases Related to Racial DiscriminationDimishkovska, Ana 2019Proceeding article
Incorporating the ESG elements into the syllabus of the economic schools in Republic of МacedoniaIlievski, Andrej; Pečarić, Mario; Tomevska Ilievska, Elizabeta 2023Proceeding article
Perzistance of Primitive Reflexes in Children With Cerebral Palsy and at Risk ChildrenRashikj Canevska, Olivera ; Chichevska Jovanova, Natasha ; Karovska Ristovska, Aleksandra ; Bojadzi, MarijaNov-2020Presentation
Healthcare access barriers for individuals with autism: The awareness of medical professionalTroshanska, Jasmina; Ramadani Rasimi, Teuta; Chichevska Jovanova, Natasha ; Rashikj Canevska, Olivera 12-Mar-2024Proceeding article
First reactions and future expectations of parents of children with developmental disabilitiesRashikj Canevska, Olivera ; Chichevska Jovanova, Natasha ; Troshanska, Jasmina; Ramadani Rasimi, Teuta; Dimitrovska, Kristina12-Mar-2024Proceeding article
The necessity of implementing ethical education for a better human societyDonev, Dejan 2022Proceeding article
Imago Historica – Thy Name is Beauty: feminine and masculineDimitrova, Elizabeta ; Zorova, Orhideja2021Proceeding article
Old Testament Abraham and His Journey Through the Iconography of Medieval MacedoniaDimitrova, Elizabeta ; Zorova, Orhideja2020Proceeding article
“Iustitia Subjectiva” or “Crimina Imaginativa” In the Fresco Ensembles of “Macedonia Byzantina”Dimitrova, Elizabeta 2020Proceeding article
Harmonization of Legislative Efforts for Protection of Critical Infrastructure Within the European Union and Potential Effects for Candidate CountriesGJurovski, Marjan ; Poposka, Vesna; Alcheski, Gjorgi2023Proceeding article
Media Securitization of the Migration Process on the so-called Balkan Route: Case Study – Serbia and North MacedoniaGJurovski, Marjan ; Arnaudov, Mitko2023Proceeding article
Evropske integracije Severne Makedonije: kandidat-svedok transformacije Evropske unijeGJurovski, Marjan ; Arnaudov, Mitko2023Proceeding article
Corporate Security in the Protection of Critical InfrastructureGJurovski, Marjan ; Alceski, Gjorgji2021Proceeding article
Conclusion of the Council for National Security of the Republic of Serbia Adopted on the Occasion of the Armed Conflict on the Territory of Ukraine That Began on 24 February 2022GJurovski, Marjan; Arnaudov, Mitko; Hadžić, Nikola2024Proceeding article
Disaster Risk Reduction: Implementation Module in the Republic of North MacedoniaGJurovski, Marjan ; Mocanoski, Mende2019Proceeding article
Economic Aspects of Security Risks in the Republic of MacedoniaNikolovski, Marjan; Gerasimoski, Saše; GJurovski, Marjan 2019Proceeding article
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 435