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Наслов: “Differences in the Impact of Innovation Relationships on Firms’ Productivity: Evidence from CIS 2014”
Authors: Stojkoski, Viktor 
Toshevska trpchevska, Katerina 
Makrevska disoska, Elena 
Tevdovski, Dragan 
Keywords: innovation, complementarity, Central and Eastern Europe, Western Europe, substitutability
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Taylor & Francis online
Journal: Eastern European Economics
Abstract: In this paper we explore the complementarity and substitutability relationships between different innovation activities (firm, market, organizational and process innovations) by utilizing cross-sectional data taken from the Community Innovation Survey - CIS2014 for two groups of countries: Central and Eastern Europe and Western European countries. Our findings suggest that the relations between different innovation pairs have a substitute nature. We rationalize our results by conducting a robustness analysis for each country separately and we discovered a wide range of different complementary relationships. These relationships are dependent on the underlying country that is subject of the analysis.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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