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Title: High-Throughput HPLC-MS/MS Method for Quantification of Ibuprofen Enantiomers in Human Plasma: Focus on Investigation of Metabolite Interference
Authors: Nakov, Natalija 
Bogdanovska, Liljana 
Acevska, Jelena 
Tonic-Ribarska, Jasmina
Petkovska, Rumenka 
Dimitrovska, Aneta 
Kasabova, Lilia
Svinarov, Dobrin
Issue Date: 30-Nov-2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Journal: Journal of chromatographic science
Abstract: In this research, as a part of the development of fast and reliable HPLC-MS/MS method for quantification of ibuprofen (IBP) enantiomers in human plasma, the possibility of IBP acylglucoronide (IBP-Glu) back-conversion was assessed. This involved investigation of in source and in vitro back-conversion. The separation of IBP enantiomers, its metabolite and rac-IBP-d3 (internal standard), was achieved within 6 min using Chiracel OJ-RH chromatographic column (150 × 2.1 mm, 5 μm). The followed selected reaction monitoring transitions for IBP-Glu (m/z 381.4 → 205.4, m/z 381.4 → 161.4 and m/z 205.4 → 161.4) implied that under the optimized electrospray ionization parameters, in source back-conversion of IBP-Glu was insignificant. The results obtained after liquid-liquid extraction of plasma samples spiked with IBP-Glu revealed that the amount of IBP enantiomers generated by IBP-Glu back-conversion was far <20% of lower limit of quantification sample. These results indicate that the presence of IBP-Glu in real samples will not affect the quantification of the IBP enantiomers; thereby reliability of the method was improved. Additional advantage of the method is the short analysis time making it suitable for the large number of samples. The method was fully validated according to the EMA guideline and was shown to meet all requirements to be applied in a pharmacokinetic study.
DOI: 10.1093/chromsci/bmw166
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Pharmacy: Journal Articles

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