Petkovska, Rumenka
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Petkovska, Rumenka
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- 1 Bootstrap analysis, comparative dissolution profiles, similarity factor f2
- 1 folic acid, related substances, 4-aminobenzoic acid, forced degradation studies
- 1 insulin analogues, capillary electrophoresis, chemometrics
- 1 International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research (eIJPPR) | February 2022 | Volume 12 | Issue 1 | Page 7-16 LIljana Anastasova, Application of Experimental Design Approach in Optimization of Quality Parameters of Calcium- and Magnesium-Enriched Milk ISSN (Online) 2249-6084 (Print) 2250-1029 Application of Experimental Design Approach in Optimization of Quality Parameters of Calcium- and Magnesium-Enriched Milk LIljana Anastasova1*, Tanja Petreska Ivanovska2, Andrijana Ancevska2, Rumenka Petkovska1, LIdija Petrushevska-Tozi2 1Institute of Applied Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia 2Institute of Applied Biochemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. ABSTRACT Full factorial (23) design was applied to evaluate the effects of addition of calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, and time of magnetic stirring on quality parameters of milk in the preparation process of calcium- and magnesium-enriched milk. The quality of the mineral enriched milk was evaluated in terms of relative density, dry matter, titratable acidity, the content of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates as well as the content of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, and calcium: phosphorus ratio. In parallel, sensorial properties were analyzed to select the most preferable sample for consumers. The results from the experimental design and the sensorial analysis indicated that the application of medium levels of calcium and magnesium salts for milk enrichment provides acceptable quality and sensory characteristics similar to commercial milk. The determined content of calcium and magnesium in these samples was sufficient to give an additional 9.0% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for calcium (700 mg/day) and 2.6% of the RDA for magnesium (300 mg/day). Enrichment with calcium more than 0.3 g/100 g was inadequate in respect to certain quality parameters, and also off-flavors were developed during the first five days of the cold storage. The PCA was efficient in identifying and measuring the attributes of functional milk important for consumer acceptability. This study constitutes a step forward in developing strategies for the preparation of functional milk with increased nutritional value and favorable sensory profile that can be used as a vehicle for delivering more minerals to the human body. Key Words: Mineral-enriched milk, Optimization, Design of experiments, Sensory acceptability
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Preview | Title | Author(s) | Issue Date | Type | |
1 | Application of Experimental Design Approach in optimization of Quality parameters of Calcium- and Magnesim-enriched Milk | Anastasova, Liljana ; Petreska ivanovska, Tanja ; Andrijana Ancevska,; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Petrushevska tozi, Lidija | Feb-2022 | Article | |
2 | Applıcatıon of Experımental Desıgn Approach in Optımızatıon of Qualıty Parameters of Calcıum- and Magnesıum-Enrıched Mılk | Anastasova, Liljana ; Petreska ivanovska, Tanja ; Ancevska, Andrijana; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Petrushevska tozi, Lidija | 2022 | Article | |
3 | Bootstrap analysis for dissolution similarity factor f2 - bringing confidence for borderline results – a case study | Tina Achkoska; Marijana Bozhinovska; Angela Arnaudova; Packa Antovska; Anastasova, Liljana ; Petkovska, Rumenka | 2022 | Journal Article | |
4 | Characterization of physicochemical properties of substances using chromatographic separation methods | Nakov, Natalija ; Acevska, Jelena ; Brezovska, Katerina ; Kavrakovski, Zoran ; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Dimitrovska, Aneta | 29-Oct-2020 | Proceeding article | |
5 | Chemometrics approach for optimization of capillary electrophoretic conditions for the separation of insulin analogues | B Pajaziti,; M Andrási,; D Nebija,; B A Pajaziti,; Anastasova, Liljana ; Petkovska, Rumenka | 1-Nov-2021 | Article | |
6 | Eco-friendly RP-HPLC method for determination of diazepam in coated tablet | Tomić, Marija; Božinovska, Marijana; Anevska-Stojanovska, Nataša; Lazova, Jelena; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Bogdanovska, Liljana ; Nakov, Natalija | 24-Dec-2023 | Article | |
7 | Estimation of the relationship between diazepam use and risk of violent death using post-mortem data | Bujaroska, Marija ; Papoutsis, Ioannis; Anastasova, Liljana; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Petreska Ivanovska, Tanja ; Spiliopoulou, Chara; Stankov, Aleksandar ; Petrushevska Tozi, Lidija | 2022 | Article | |
8 | An experimental design approach in optimization of an extraction procedure for AAS determination of Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu and Fe in multimineral dietary supplements | Anastasova L.; Kostadinova N.; Poceva panovska, Ana ; Brezovska, Katerina ; Acevska, Jelena ; Nakov, Natalija ; Kavrakovski, Zoran ; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Dimitrovska, Aneta ; Trajkovikj jolevska, Suzana ; Tonikj ribarska, Jasmina | Sep-2018 | Journal Article | |
9 | Fc-fusion proteins: therapeutic relevance and quality assessment | Misini, Gent; Dashor, Nebija; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Nakov, Natalija | 31-Dec-2022 | Article | |
10 | Green RP-HPLC methods for assay and related substances in rivaroxaban tablets | Nakov, Natalija ; Bogdanovska, Liljana ; Gjorgievska, Marija Zafirova; Acevska, Jelena ; Brezovska, Katerina ; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Dimitrovska, Aneta | 29-Nov-2023 | Article | |
11 | High-Throughput HPLC-MS/MS Method for Quantification of Ibuprofen Enantiomers in Human Plasma: Focus on Investigation of Metabolite Interference | Nakov, Natalija ; Bogdanovska, Liljana ; Acevska, Jelena ; Tonic-Ribarska, Jasmina; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Dimitrovska, Aneta ; Kasabova, Lilia; Svinarov, Dobrin | 30-Nov-2016 | Journal Article | |
12 | Mineral enrichment of milk – nutritional benefits and future perspectives | Anastasova, Liljana ; Petreska ivanovska, Tanja ; Zhivikj, Zoran ; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Petrushevska tozi, Lidija | 29-Oct-2020 | Article | |
13 | Possibilities and challenges of "green" chromatographic solutions | Nakov, Natalija ; Acevska, Jelena ; Brezovska, Katerina ; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Kavrakovski, Zoran ; Dimitrovska, Aneta | 31-Dec-2022 | Article | |
14 | Principal component analysis of sensory attributes of calcium- and magnesium enriched milk | Anastasova, Liljana ; Petreska ivanovska, Tanja ; Zhivikj, Zoran ; Shutevska, Kristina; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Petrushevska tozi, Lidija | 29-Oct-2020 | Article | |
15 | Rational development of nanomedicines for molecular targeting in periodontal disease | Geškovski, Nikola ; Sazdovska, Simona Dimchevska; Gjosheva, Silvana; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Popovska, Mirjana ; Anastasova, Liljana; Mladenovska, Kristina ; Gorachinova, Katerina | Sep-2018 | Journal Article | |
16 | A stability-indicating HPLC method for determination of folic acid and its related substances in tablets | Kristina Grncharoska; Elena Lazarevska Todevska; Irena Slavevska Spirevska; Tanja Bakovska Stoimenova; Achevski, Blagoj ; Anastasova, Liljana ; Petkovska, Rumenka | 2022 | Journal Article | |
17 | Static and dynamic quantum mechanical methods for exact interpretation of Infrared Multiple Photon Dissociation Spectra: current state and development perspectives | Achevski, Blagoj ; Tonikj ribarska, Jasmina ; Petkovska, Rumenka ; Pejov, Ljupco | 31-Dec-2022 | Journal Article |