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Наслов: Changing organizational culture by promoting values that encourage teamwork
Authors: Debarliev, Stojan 
Drakulevski, LJubomir 
Keywords: Organizational Culture, Values, Teamwork, Cohesion, Competing Values Framework
Issue Date: јул-2020
Journal: Eurasian Journal of Business and Management
Series/Report no.: 8;2
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of underlying culture values on teamwork as one of the most important employee behaviors and as a possible explanatory mechanism (means) through which managers affect their organizational effectiveness, such as job satisfaction and commitment. The main focus of the research is directed to the relations between the organizational culture and teamwork in different aspects: currently dominating organizational cultures in the organizations, preferred organizational cultures by the organizational members, as well as the current and preferred mix of the four CVF’s organizational culture types. Macedonian private and state-owned companies and institutions constitute the population of this study. We run a multiple regression and correlation analysis on CVF’s culture types on teamwork level in organizations. The results indicate that only clan culture has a positive correlation with the teamwork level. It means that the clan culture promotes values that encourage teamwork in organizations. The analysis of the results provides input for managers, who can adopt, apply, and promote values of a particular organizational culture type that encourages the teamwork level in the organizations.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8858
DOI: 10.15604/ejbm.2020.08.02.004
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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