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Наслов: Binary Co-generation Power Plant with SOFC – environmental aspects
Authors: Tashevski, Done 
Shesho, Igor 
Dimitrovski, Dame 
Keywords: co-generation power plants
fuel cells
environmental benefits
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Balkan Environmental Association (B.EN.A.)
Journal: Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
Abstract: In this paper are analysed the ecological aspects in regard of the application of binary cogenerative power plants with solid oxide fuel cells (BCFC). The BCFC are combined co-generative power plants with fuel cells, gas and steam co-generative power plants, which are considered as high efficiency power plants. It is proposed optimisation methodology according to which is developed and verified an optimisation software. As leading optimisation criteria is chosen the maximal efficiency of the analysed power plant. In the paper are presented many calculation results from the software which are relating to energy, ecological and economical characteristics for this kind of power plants. The obtained results are analysed in regard of ecological aspects such as pollutant emissions depending from the fuel type. Comparison is performed between the results (ecological parameters) of BCFC with and without fuel cells. According the analyses of the results, conclusions are drawn which justifies the advantages in implementation on this kind of power plants
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/8076
ISSN: 1311-5065
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Journal Articles

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