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Наслов: Prototyping wearable devices for boosting entrepreneurial spirit
Authors: Simona Domazetovska
Maja Anachkova
Jovana Jovanova
Keywords: Engineering Education, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Mechatronics, Project Based Learning, Wearable Electronics
Issue Date: сеп-2019
Publisher: South East European Research Centre)
Journal: Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship - Proceedings Book
Conference: ETHAC 2019, the European Triple Helix Congress in Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract: With the advances in technology and more applications becoming real-time and embedded, teaching the mechatronics course only theoretically becomes insufficient. Consequently, project-based learning becomes one of the most effective approaches in teaching mechatronics subjects. The main objective of this paper is to present an innovative approach in project-based learning within a mechatronics course for teaching undergraduate students. The project based learning is presented through student projects inspired by wearable electronics as new trending fields in mechatronics. In this paper, a novel methodology for implementing the project based learning process was described. The course structure, organization and evaluation are explained. The students’ feedback, results and the benefits from the course are also discussed. Conclusions about the project based learning and its effects in teaching mechatronics among undergraduate students are pointed out.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7277
ISBN: 978-960-9416-24-5
ISSN: 2654-024X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Conference papers

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