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Наслов: Modeling of multi locomotion of soft robot
Authors: Simona Domazetovska
Vasko Changoski
Maja Anachkova
Jovana Jovanova
Keywords: soft robots; bio-inspired engineering; modelling; SMA materials; octopus arm; worm-like robots; caterpillar-like robots; MatLab/Simulink
Issue Date: сеп-2018
Publisher: Proceedings of abstracts of XIV International Conference - ETAI 2018
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of abstracts of XIV International Conference - ETAI 2018;
Conference: ETAI 2018 Conference in Struga
Abstract: Inspired by nature, engineers have explored the design of soft bio-inspired robots. Soft-bodied robots have potential to exploit morphological computation to adapt and interact. Modeling of the movement of a worm, a caterpillar and an octopus will be presented and analysed in this work. The models rely on segmented approach and variations of external loadings to achieve the desired kinematics of movement using Matlab/Simulink. The parametric results from the simulation lead to a conclusion of optimal number of segments and performance. The actuation of the robot is foreseen to be achieved by shape memory allows in linear and torsional configuration. Multi locomotion of these bio-inspired soft robots will be analysed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/7275
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Conference papers

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