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Наслов: Убиството на Гоце Делчев во странскиот печат (мај-јуни 1903 г.)
Authors: Минов, Никола 
Keywords: Gotse Delchev, Banitsa, newspapers
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Здружение на историчарите на Република Македонија
Source: Минов, Н. (2019). „Убиството на Гоце Делчев во странскиот печат“. Историја/Journal of History, LIV/2, pp. 53-94.
Journal: Историја / Journal of History
Abstract: In this paper we present and analyze articles from over 100 newspapers worldwide, reporting on the death of the most prominent leader of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization – Gotse Delchev – in a skirmish with the Ottoman forces near the village of Banitsa. The presented articles were originally published in May and June 1903 in Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, Italy, Germany, the Russian Empire, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Australia and New Zealand.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/6789
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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