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Наслов: Битка за жртвите: Прилог кон прашањето за одгласот на Илинденското востание во странскиот печат
Authors: Минов, Никола 
Keywords: Ilinden Uprising, Kruševo, civilian casualties, newspapers
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Здружение на историчарите на Република Македонија
Source: Минов, Н. (2019). „Битка за жртвите: Прилог кон прашањето за одгласот на Илинденското востание во странскиот печат“. Историја/Journal of History, LIV/1, pp. 27-53.
Journal: Историја / Journal of History
Abstract: Four different newspapers in four different countries, tell four different versions of the same event: On the 12th of August 1903, the Turkish troops and the bashi-bazouks fell upon the ethnically diverse town of Kruševo in Ottoman Macedonia. In four days, hundreds of houses and shops were burned, while more than a hundred non-combatants, many of whom women and children, were murdered in the streets. The news of the atrocities hit the front pages of the leading newspapers in Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia and Romania. While they all sent the same message of compassion for the victims and expressed strong disapproval of the Ottoman conduct in Kruševo, they could not agree about one issue: What was the ethnicity of the murdered civilians?
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/6788
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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