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Title: Discovering the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment: The Case of the Private Sector of a Developing Country
Authors: Krasniqi, Tringë
Janeska iliev, Aleksandra 
Drakulevski, LJubomir 
Keywords: Leadership styles; laissez-faire; transactional; transformational; organizational commitment
Issue Date: 12-Jul-2024
Source: Krasniqi, T., Iliev, A.J. and Drakulevski, L., 2024. Discovering the Relationship between Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment: The Case of the Private Sector of a Developing Country, Economic Studies (Ikonomicheski Izsledvania)., 33(6).pp.71-87
Journal: Economic Studies (Ikonomicheski Izsledvania).
Abstract: There has been great interest evolving around leadership ever since so, scholars have been challenged by various variables that have been considered relevant for discovering some of the complexities related to leaders. The output orientation of organizational commitment and employee engagement naturally seeks a relationship with leadership. Hence discovering the relationships among leadership and organizational commitment considering the context of Kosovo is one of the main aims of this paper. The presented work reflects three leadership styles that will be considered: laissez-faire, transactional, and transformational, and three dimensions of organizational commitment: affective, normative, and continuance. The main aim is oriented towards understanding relationships and what they will bring to the organizational context. At this stage, the paper utilizes Pearson’s Correlation, whereas collected data was gathered through questionnaires distributed to employees and managers in the private sector in Kosovo. A total of 202 samples were collected using random sampling from diverse industries including retail, manufacturing, service, construction, and wholesale. The results of this paper provide some insights and, in this respect, confirm that leadership styles have a moderate positive correlation with organizational commitment. That implies that organizational commitment will eventually determine leadership in organizations and in this line bring forward new possible discussions in the respective field.
ISSN: ISSN 0205-3292
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 03: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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