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Наслов: Exploring Parental Perspectives: The Impact of Assistive Technologies on Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities
Authors: Jakovchevska, Aleksandra
Chichevska Jovanova, Natasha 
Keywords: assistive tehnology, inclusion, parents, parental attitudes, disabilities
Issue Date: 16-јул-2024
Publisher: Multidisciplinarni pristupi u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji
Source: Jakovchevska A., Chichevska Jovanova N. (2024). Exploring Parental Perspectives: The Impact of Assistive Technologies on Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities. Multidisciplinarni pristupi u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji, Exploring Parental Perspectives, 6 (7), 148-160.
Journal: Multidisciplinarni pristupi u edukaciji i rehabilitaciji
Series/Report no.: 6;7
Abstract: This study investigates parental attitudes towards the efficacy of assistive technologies in facilitating inclusive education for children with disabilities within mainstream educational settings. The research aims to address the pressing need for insights into parental perceptions regarding the utilization of assistive technologies to support their children's learning experiences in inclusive classrooms. A questionnaire-based methodology was employed to gather comprehensive data from parents of children with disabilities enrolled in mainstream schools. The survey encompassed inquiries about parents' familiarity with assistive technologies, their perceived effectiveness, challenges encountered, and overall satisfaction with their child's educational journey within inclusive settings. The results of the research reveal multifaceted insights into parental attitudes towards assistive technologies. Findings indicate a generally positive outlook among parents, acknowledging the potential of these technologies to enhance their child's educational outcomes and promote inclusion. However, notable challenges such as accessibility, affordability, and adequate training emerge as significant barriers hindering the optimal utilization of assistive technologies. The discussion delves into the implications of the findings for policymakers, educators, and practitioners, emphasizing the necessity for targeted interventions to address existing barriers and enhance the accessibility and efficacy of assistive technologies in inclusive education. Moreover, the study underscores the importance of fostering partnerships between parents and educational institutions to ensure the holistic support and empowerment of children with disabilities within mainstream educational settings. This collaborative approach is essential for creating an inclusive educational environment that meets the diverse needs of all students. The study concludes that while parents recognize the benefits of assistive technologies, overcoming the existing challenges requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders involved. By addressing issues of accessibility, affordability, and training, the potential of assistive technologies can be fully realized, thereby improving educational outcomes for children with disabilities.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/31023
DOI: DOI: 10.59519/mper6114
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 04: Journal Articles / Статии во научни списанија

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