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Наслов: Neighbor relations in Macedonian property law
Authors: Rodna Zivkovska
Tina Przeska
Tea Lalevska
Keywords: property, real rights, ownership, neighbor rights.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: University in Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Law
Conference: International Scientific Conference “LEGAL SYSTEM IN THE PERIOD OF THE NEW REALITY” Thematic Conference Proceedings 2021
Abstract: The paper analyzes the regulation of neighbor relations in contemporary property law, particularly in Macedonian law and generally in laws and codes of EU member states, and states aspiring for EU membership. Development of the so called “neighbor’s law” is followed from its historical roots in the Roman law until the present day. Main focus of the paper is to examine the different approaches in regulating neighbor rights dependent on the different ways that neighbor’s law is understood and defined in the legal texts of the laws and codes regulating property relations. Basic principles for exercising neighbor rights found in Macedonian law and comparatively are also presented and analyzed in the paper, аs well as the types of neighbor rights regulated in the Macedonian Law of Ownership and Other Real Rights.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30978
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law: Conference papers

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