Ве молиме користете го овој идентификатор да го цитирате или поврзете овој запис: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30951
Authors: Poposka, Hristina
Keywords: foliar fertilizing, table grape, yield, leaf, shoot, quality, must
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Skopje
Abstract: During three consecutive years (2012-2014) an experiment has been conducted with an aim to determine the influence of the foliar fertilization on yield and quality of table grapes, cvs. Cardinal and Afus ali. The experimental site has been established in Tikvesko Vinogorje, at vineyards of AD ,,Goce Delcev,, location’s Trstenik, Kavadarci. The experiment has been conducted according the method of random block system with seven variants and three repetitions. The foliar fertilizers with different nutrient contents were applied in concentration of 0.5 %, four times during the growing period, at the stages: before and after blooming, buckshot berries and verasion. The following characteristics were investigated: content of macro and micro nutrients in leafs and shoots, yield, mechanical analyse of grape grains and chemical properties of must. On the base of the results gained, we can bring the following conclusion: foliar fertilization with a different content of macro and micro nutrients, aplicated in the same concentration and growing stages, showed biological justification in terms of increasing the content of macro and micro elements in the leaves and shoots, yield and the quality of the grape cardinal and afus ali. In both studied varieties the highest average yields has been achieved in variant 4 (Polyfeed GG 18-9-27 + 2MgO + ME). With the cultivar cardinal, the average yield is 5,23 kg/vine and 17,01 t/ha, which is significantly higher than control variant with increasing index of 25 %. The highest average yields with variety afus ali were 5,23 kg/vine and 20,66 t/ha, with a statistically significant difference from the control variant, on the level of probability P≤0,05 and P≤0,01, with increasing of 28 %. Foliar application of this fertilizer on both varieties leaded to the highest content of macro and microelements in the leaves and shoots, best grapes quality and the highest sugar content in the must.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30951
Appears in Collections:Institute of Agriculture: PhD Theses

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