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Наслов: Историографски белешки за манастирот Слепче (XIV-XXI век)
Authors: Borisov Dejan, Борисов Дејан
Keywords: Monastery "St. John the Baptist" Slepce, Monastery of Slepce
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Манастир „Свети Атанасиј Велики“ Журче - Демир Хисар
Abstract: Reviewing the bibliography for the monastery "St. John the Baptist" from the village of Slepce we failed to find a complete monography on the history of the monastery, instead the data on the monastery, its history, the life in the monastery, the fresco painting and the architecture are to be found in many papers where the topic relates to a specific moments in history of the monastery is being elaborated, or some parts of its frescoes, architecture or some manuscript that is somehow connected with the monastery or they present a secondary data associated with the monastery. The only comprehensive text that covers the history of the monastery is actually a monography on the village Slepce by Vangjelko Lozanoski, published in 1988. The aim of our paper is to update the part of this monography dedicated to the monastery by chronologically aligning the historical findings and thesis known to us. But not limiting ourselves to just simply aligning the data, we also ask some new questions about some of the already known sources and data, as well as presenting some new sources and unpublished data from the XIX century, the time of the period of Ilinden Uprising, the period of confiscation of monastery assets thoughtfully implemented by Bulgarian Army and intellectuals from 1913 till 1916 and new data from 1943.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30567
ISBN: 978-608-4534-42-6
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Theology: Books

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