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Наслов: Imaging Insights: Computed Tomography presentation of thoracic hydatid cysts in North Macedonian patients
Authors: Nikolova, Sonja 
Keywords: hydatid cysts
Complicated hydatid cyst
computed tomography (CT)
Dry cyst sign
Water lilly sign
Air crescent sign
Issue Date: мај-2024
Publisher: European Society of Thoracic Imaging
Source: Nikolova, S.;Imaging Insights: Computed Tomography presentation of thoracic hydatid cysts in North Macedonian patients;(2024);EPOS,E-poster gallery; A-198
Journal: Electronic Poster Gallery of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging
Conference: Congress of the European Society of Thoracic Imaging, 9-11,May, 2024, Rome, Italy
Abstract: This study endeavors to achieve several key objectives to enrich the comprehension and help gain proficiency in identifying and interpreting a spectrum of thoracic hydatid disease manifestations on Computed Tomography, ranging from common to rare presentations. Furthermore, the study aims to enhance practitioners' capability in recognizing potential complications and mastering the intricacies of differential diagnosis in this context. Delving into the complex realm of hydatid cysts, originating from the larval form of Echinococcus, this research addresses a pressing global challenge[1][2]. While traditionally associated with liver parenchyma, the disease's manifestation in atypical thoracic locations, including the mediastinum and pleural space, necessitates a sophisticated diagnostic approach. This article provides a contextual exploration, shedding light on the endemic nature of hydatid disease, particularly prevalent in regions associated with sheep breeding, and underscores the urgency for precise diagnostic tools. CT not only aids in accurate diagnosis but also provides unparalleled insights into the exact size, location, and internal structure of hydatid cysts, crucial for comprehensive patient management[3]. Moreover, it standsas the primary modality for predicting potential complications, such as cyst rupture, by offering a detailed view of cyst morphology[4][5]. Imaging findings OR Procedure detailsIn a meticulous analysis of 55 chest CT scans from patients in North Macedonia with thoracic hydatid cysts, this study unveils compelling imaging findings. Categorizing cysts into uncomplicated parenchymal, extra parenchymal, and complicated or ruptured forms, the research reveals distinct signs, including the air crescent sign, water lily sign, and dry cyst sign. Conclusion: In summary, this research underscores the critical role of computed tomography in unraveling the complexities of thoracic hydatid cysts. Beyond its contribution to identifying common manifestations, CT emerges as an indispensable tool for deciphering rare, atypical, and complicated presentations. The information provided by CT scans not only facilitates accurate diagnosis but also deepens our understanding of cyst morphology, aiding in predicting potential complications or rupture. The knowledge derived from this study stands poised to elevate diagnostic practices and enrich the collective understanding of thoracic hydatid disease.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/30138
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Conference papers

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