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Наслов: Grey Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) for Textile Print Analysis, Tekstilna Industrija, 70 (4) 2022
Authors: Emilija Toshikj, Bojan Prangoski
Keywords: polyester, sublimation printing, print mottle, direction angle, GLCM method.
Issue Date: дек-2022
Publisher: Tekstilna Industrija
Abstract: Print mottle is a print defect. This print defect has great attention in print quality assessment. Print mottle is determined by the grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). An important parameter in the GLCM processing is the direction angle of pixels in the digitalized print image. This research aimed to investigate the influence of the direction angle, which is an important input parameter in GLCM processing, on the output parameters, such as entropy, energy, contrast, correlation, and homogeneity. Hence, prints were generated in four different colors (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) on white polyester elastase fabric by sublimation printing. The non-uniformity of the print for each color was processed at different direction angles, such as 0° (horizontal), 90° (vertical), 45° (right-diagonal), and 135° (left-diagonal). Values for GLCM parameters obtained at different direction angles were slightly different regardless of print color. The choice of direction angle influenced the values of GLCM parameters. The average of all four directional angle values obtained for each GLCM parameter was taken. The GLCM processing method can be used for prints of different colors, patterns, and different quality levels to evaluate their print uniformity.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/25585
DOI: 10.5937/tekstind2204034T
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy: Journal Articles

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