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Наслов: Method for More Successful Usage of Airbnb by Hosts and Guests in Developing Countries
Authors: Rajkovska, Mihaela
Santa, Mijalche 
Keywords: Sharing economy
AirBnB usage challenges
Developing countries
Issue Date: јун-2022
Publisher: University of Maribor Press
Conference: 35 th Bled eConference Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action
Abstract: In this paper we aim to propose a method for more successful usage of Airbnb platform by the hosts and guests in North Macedonia. To achieve this, we have performed qualitative research and interviewed twenty individuals. The collected data was analyzed through grounded theorizing. Based on the analysis we identified that the dimensions under which the hosts have most control and through which can impact the value perception of the guests is the bargaining power they have. To increase the bargaining power, we have identified steps that the hosts should follow. These proposals are empirically based and practically useful.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24527
DOI: 10.18690/um.fov.4.2022.27
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economics 02: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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