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Наслов: WiMAX supported telemedicine as part of an integrated system for e-medicine
Authors: Chorbev, Ivan
Mihajlov, Martin 
Jolevski, Ilija
Keywords: Telemedicine, eMedicine, WiMAX, e-Medicine, wireless, e-health, eHealth
Issue Date: 23-јун-2008
Publisher: IEEE
Conference: ITI 2008-30th International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces
Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the wireless telemedicine components of an integrated system for e-medicine that we propose and implement in the Republic of Macedonia. A short introduction to telemedicine and its evolution is presented. The new wireless broadband technologies enabled creation of telemedicine services previously only possible via cable connections. The novel wireless technologies enable provision of advanced medical services to rural areas unreachable by cable connections. WiMAX and Wi-Fi are the technologies used to implement our telemedicine functionalities. They are shortly described and a number of proposed and provided services are explained. Guidelines are given for further development and implementation. The experience gained draws conclusions that can be used in areas or countries with similar natural or economical conditions.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24497
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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