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Наслов: Constrained clustering of gene expression profiles
Authors: Slavkov, Ivica
Dzeroski, Sasho
Struyf, Jan
Loshkovska, Suzana 
Issue Date: 2005
Journal: Proceedings of the Conference on Data Mining and Data Warehouses at the Seventh International Multi-Conference on Information Society
Abstract: In this paper a querying environment for analysis of patient clinical data is presented. The data consists of two parts: patients’ pathological data and data about corresponding gene expression levels. The querying environment includes a generic algorithm for constructing decision trees, as well as algorithms for discretizing gene expression levels and for searching frequent patterns (itemsets). The algorithms are accessed by means of a query language. The language can be used to simulate various data mining algorithms, such as the one developed by Morishita et al. for Itemset Constrained Clustering.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/24260
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Journal Articles

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