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Наслов: Differences in morphological, motor and functional parameters of students
Authors: Ratko Pavlovich
Marko Joksimovich
Simeonov Aleksandar 
Keywords: morphological space,
age differences,
Issue Date: дек-2018
Publisher: International Federation for Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games
Проект: PhD Simeonov
Journal: International Journal of Fitness, Health, Physical Education & Iron Games
Abstract: Morphological, motor and functional spaces are often the subject of research in the field of physical education and sports. Their analysis can detect certain psychosomatic changes, the trend of their development and possible differences. The current research has been carried out with the aim of determining the differences between the morphological, motor and functional parameters of the student population. The sample includes a population of 46 male students from the Faculty of physical education and sports in East Sarajevo, aged 21-22, and divided into two sub-samples. A total of 8 parameters have been measured, which have assessed morphological, motor and functional space. The analysis of the T-test has revealed differences between different generations, and in 50% of the parameters, these differences have been statistically significant.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23371
ISSN: 2349 - 722x
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Health: Journal Articles

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