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Наслов: Accelerating clustering coefficient calculations on a GPU using OPENCL
Authors: Djinevski, Leonid
Mishkovski, Igor 
Trajanov, Dimitar 
Keywords: Complex Networks, Parallel, CPU, GPU, speedup, OpenMP, OpenCL
Issue Date: 12-сеп-2010
Publisher: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Conference: International Conference on ICT Innovations
Abstract: The growth in multicore CPUs and the emergence of powerful manycore GPUs has led to proliferation of parallel applications. Many applications are not straight forward to be parallelized. This paper examines the performance of a parallelized implementation for calculating measurements of Complex Networks. We present an algorithm for calculating complex networks topological feature clustering coefficient, and conducted an execution of the serial, parallel and parallel GPU implementations. A hash-table based structure was used for encoding the complex network's data, which is different than the standard representation, and also speedups the parallel GPU implementations. Our results demonstrate that the parallelization of the sequential implementations on a multicore CPU, using OpenMP produces a significant speedup. Using OpenCL on a GPU produces even larger speedup depending of the volume of data being processed.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/23190
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: Conference papers

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