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dc.contributor.authorЈованова, Кристинаen_US
dc.identifier.citationЈованова, Кристина (2016). Глобализација vs. локализација - перспективата а економскиот развој на Република Македонија. Докторска дисертација. Скопје: Економски факултет, УКИМ.en_US
dc.descriptionДокторска дисертација одбранета во 2016 година на Економскиот факултет во Скопје, под менторство на проф. д–р Наталија Николовска.en_US
dc.description.abstractEconomic globalization leads to extreme development imbalances and represents a cause for the growing inequality between the center and the periphery on the global economic map. It is in collision with the social protection system, a public good that can be provided for by political process only. But, there is no legitimate political mechanism that would act as a global corrective in order to neutralize the negative tendencies of the globalization. To the contrary, there are tight connections between the financial and the political elites with a final goal of concentration and centralization of the capital that is untying the national boundaries and starts serving its own purposes, entailing transformation of the territorial (national) state into a market corporate state. The main factor to the growing inequality is technology, the rapid grow of which involves the financial sector for enabling market realization of the goods and services by opening the financial channels for credit indebtedness, enthroning the speculative capital on the top of the capitalist order that takes dominant role in the new era of global mega capitalism, with a purpose of cleaning the road to its full domination, preparing the world for the new Kondratieff technological cycle. The modern problems regarding debt accumulation are perceived as a failure of the social and development capitalism and inability of the states to generate development performances in a way that neoliberal capitalism prepares its way to full domination on the global scene. The social welfare state represents a factor of productivity, not a burden to the state budget. Social solidarity and trust in the institutions as a governing and governance system are critical to the stability and the predictability of the investments, and personal freedom is a precondition to entrepreneurship and innovation. The reason for the progress of the civilization are creativity, inventions and innovations by the bravest and smartest, that seek their reward in the so called „smart money“. From these perspectives, the objective of the dissertation is to identify the alternative that would offer a way out of the negative scenario, searching for solutions in the concept of participatory economy based on information sharing, knowledge and technology, but above all - democracy, social justice and system sustainability. The key to successful global performances is understanding and adjusting to local economic variables in line with the understanding that different parts of the world are interconnected via material and non-material flows into a system of differentiated connections of power and influences that have global-local character. Information, knowledge and technological innovations are driving forces to the global-local networking and the future of the economic development is the sustainable cooperation and building synergies between central and local governments and between global and local businesses. These processes would enable activation of the marginalized human potential in a frame of a polycentric economic structures based on knowledge and information sharing through the most logical process – economic localization as a creative way of redirecting the economic systems from unsustainable, poor and devastated to sustainable and self-functional, leaving room for local initiatives, strengthening and recognizing the value of people and setting boundaries to the power of the corporate state. The contemporary determinants to the economic upswing are equal to the effectiveness in the creation and use of knowledge in the economic processes. Knowledge Based Economy (KBE) refers to an economy that applies information resources, technology, specific skills, processes and innovations in achieving and accelerating the economic development. The KBE concept may be applied as an alternative to the economic development of the Republic of Macedonia. Its successful implementation needs changes in the policy approach and the organizational set-ups at all levels of government and governance, as well as inclusive participation of all stakeholders.en_US
dc.publisherЕкономски факултет, УКИМ, Скопјеen_US
dc.subjecteconomic globalization, megacapitalism, economic localization, technology, participatory economy, innovations, Knowlegd Based Economy, Republic of Macedoniaen_US
dc.titleГлобализација vs. локализација - перспективата а економскиот развој на Република Македонијаen_US
dc.title.alternativeGlobalization vs localization – economic development perspectives of the Republic of Macedoniaen_US
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