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Title: Миграција на арсен од антропогено потекло во почвата од микролокалитетот И-Си-Ји од фабриката Охис, Скопје
Other Titles: Migration of arsenic from antropogenic origin in the soil of microlocality E-Ne-Se from the Ohis factory
Authors: Бошковски, Бошко
Keywords: arsenic, soil, migration, remediation
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Технолошко-металуршки факултет, УКИМ, Скопје
Source: Бошковски, Бошко (2014). Миграција на арсен од антропогено потекло во почвата од микролокалитетот И-Си-Ји од фабриката Охис, Скопје. Докторска дисертација. Скопје: Технолошко-металуршки факултет, УКИМ.
Abstract: This PhD dissertation elaborates the problem of presence of arsenic from anthropogenic origin in soils and its dynamic of migration. The aim is to define mechanism and dynamics of arsenic migration in the soil of the Skopsko Pole locality, geographically situated E-NE-SE from the OHIS factory. This locality is selected as there is probability of anthropogenetic contamination with arsenic as consequence of manufacturing of pesticides with arsenic as an active component. For determination of the forms of existing arsenic in the soil, its quantity and dynamic of migration, detailed analyses of the soil have been realized: granulometric analysis, silicate chemical analysis, mineralogical analysis, physical properties (porosity, specific mass, surface properties, specific surface etc.), contents of arsenic and other microelements etc. Apart from soil analysis, there has been realized analysis of As-contents in several plant species that exist on the locality (with different affinity for arsenic and other microelements), as well as complex analyses of two inorganic raw materials that could be used for passive decontamination of soil. The obtained results and their simultaneous view have contributed in defining three groups of existing arsenic in the soil of this locality: arsenic bounded to the mineral components, weak bounded arsenic (variably accessible depending on present conditions of the soil) and not bounded - water soluble arsenic. Also, there have been defined adsorption (selective) characteristics of the above mentioned inorganic raw materials, which can make successful remediation of soil by passive decontamination. All experiments have been realized simulating natural conditions.
Description: Докторска дисертација одбранета во 2014 година на Технолошко-металуршкиот факултет во Скопје, под менторство на проф. д–р Слободан Богоевски.
Appears in Collections:UKIM 01: Dissertations preceding the Doctoral School / Дисертации пред Докторската школа

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