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Authors: Djokikj Jelena, Rizov Tashko, Kandikjan Tatjana, Tashevski Risto
Keywords: conceptual design; additive manufacturing; augmented reality; design process
Issue Date: 18-сеп-2020
Publisher: Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics
Conference: 7th International Conference moNGeometrija 2020
Abstract: The conceptual phase is often neglected and rushed by the other departments involved in the design and production process. But the conceptual phase is of great importance for the success of the product on the market. Here, the designer incorporates all the information that he/she has about the new design, generating ideas in order for the output to be a functional and aesthetic product. It is important to make the most of it in order to assure quality result. In order to ensure short conceptual phase that will not reflect on the products’ quality we propose introduction of two “new” technologies in the conceptual phase. These “new” technologies that we are proposing to be included in the conceptual phase are Additive Manufacturing (AM) and Augmented Reality (AR). AM is used for creating more realistic prototypes and proof of concepts in a short period of time. While the AR is used for more detail explanation of the products’ functionality and usability. If we apply this approach in the conceptual phase to focus groups meetings, we can be certain that the message that needs to be sent as a designer’s intent is received and rightfully understood. In that manner the responses will be on the point and can be used in total, in the redesign phase or the further phases of the design process. By incorporating new technologies in the conceptual phase, the overall time can be shortened and at the same time, the outcome can be better.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/16716
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Mechanical Engineering: Conference papers

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