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Наслов: Kарактерот и темпераментот како предиктивни фактори за појавата и за исходот на третманот на униполарно депресивно растројство
Authors: Бајрактаров, Стојан
Keywords: depressive disorder, personality traits, temperament, character, antidepressant treatment
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Медицински факултет, УКИМ, Скопје
Source: Бајрактаров, Стојан (2017). Kарактерот и темпераментот како предиктивни фактори за појавата и за исходот на третманот на униполарно депресивно растројство. Докторска дисертација. Скопје: Медицински факултет, УКИМ.
Abstract: Background: Unipolar depressive disorder is one of the most common psychological disorders in the general population, often associated with significant serious symptoms and dysfunction. Personality is a complex system consisting of various steep biopsychological dimensions of temperament and character, which interactions can impede vulnerability to depression. While temperament is largely genetically determined and configure automatic behavioral responses, the character develops during ontogenesis, influenced by social factors and regulates the cognitive processes of sensory perception and emotions that are targeted by temperament. Aim: The main aim of this study is to determine personality characteristics that are predictors of the occurrence of unipolar depressive disorder, as well as the outcome of antidepressant treatment in order to better understand the etiology of this disorder, and to support development of an appropriate plan of treatment and management of this disorder. Methods: This research was conducted at the University Psychiatric Clinic as two year study, organized as a "case control" study. The set of questionnaires was applied twice in the experimental group, during the depressive episode with a score over 19 at Beck’s depression inventory, and the second time after three months antidepressant treatment with antidepressants of the new generation. Three questionnaires were used in this research: general questionnaire, Beck's depression inventory and TCI-R (Temperament and character Inventory - revised). Results: Certain personality traits, specifically Harm reduction and Self-directedness, are determined as predictors of depressive disorder, while traits Novelty seeking, Harm reduction, Reward dependance and Cooperativeness, are determined as predictors of antidepressant treatment efficiency. Conclusions: There are specific personality traits expressed by specific dimensions of temperament and character that have predictive specifics about the occurrence and severity of depressive disorder. Their consecutive impact on the outcome of antidepressant treatment can guide recommendations for appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Опис: Докторска дисертација одбранета во 2017 година на Медицинскиот факултет во Скопје, под менторство на проф. д–р Антони Новотни.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/16450
Appears in Collections:UKIM 02: Dissertations from the Doctoral School / Дисертации од Докторската школа

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