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Наслов: Pelvic index in examinees of macedonian nationality
Authors: Janevski, Georgi
Nakeva-Janevska, Natasha 
Janevski, Petar 
Bojadzieva Biljana 
Matveeva, Niki 
Issue Date: 3-окт-2013
Abstract: The aim of this study was to monitor the development of the pelvic parameters during puberty and adolescence in exartiinces of both. Material and methods: The measurements were made according to IBP on 1400 examiinees of Macedonian nationality, dlvided into 14 groups. Pelvic index and ndex of pelvic - Vallo's width were calculated. Results: Pelvic index 18-19.5 (moderate width) was found in female examinees aged 14 10 20 years. In males younger than 17 years pelvic index was smaller than 15.9, which indicates a relatively narrow pelvis. Mean value of pelvic index was found in 15-year-old females Conclusion: The analysis of pelvic Indexes in examinees of Macedonian nationality showed that the width of the pelvis was a sexually connected characteristic. A relatively moderate width of pelvis was found in females older than 14 years, which is a secondary sexual daracteristic policinders skorn: The analysis of per vederate with of pelvis.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/16293
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine: Conference papers

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