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Наслов: Влијанието на Хенрик Ибзен врз Никола Вапцаров: драматуршки корелации и компаративни перспективи
Other Titles: The influence of Henrik Ibsen on Nikola Vaptsarov: dramaturgical correlations and comparative perspectives
Authors: Тренчовска, Софија
Keywords: Henrik Ibsen, Nikola Vaptsarov, The Ninth Wave, Ibseniana, Vaptsarology, drama, dramaturgy, theatre
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Филолошки факултет, УКИМ, Скопје
Source: Тренчовска, Софија (2021). Влијанието на Хенрик Ибзен врз Никола Вапцаров: драматуршки корелации и компаративни перспективи. Докторска дисертација. Скопје: Филолошки факултет, УКИМ.
Abstract: This doctoral dissertation rediscovers Nikola Vaptsarov as a playwright, and explores Henrik Ibsen’s influence on Vaptsarov through the study of dramaturgical correlations and comparative perspectives. We recognize the drama poetics of these authors in several aspects: through the way the scenes are built, the structure of the dialogue and the psychological portraying of the dramatis personae. Our scientific expertise examines the roots of Vaptsarov’s Ibsenism, seen by renowned researchers of the worldwide science of literature, and comes to the view that Ibsen’s reflections and innovation, with his architecture of drama, are evident in the Vaptsarov’s theatre piece The Ninth Wave (1935) and in the radio plays Dam (1937) and Expectation (1938). From a scientific point of view, we treat the drama poetics of the ingenious Ibsen and Vaptsarov as uppermost aesthetic and psychological laboratory. In the research we point out the elements of the drama symbolism, modernism and futurism in the dramatic works of Ibsen and Vaptsarov. We analyse the poetic peculiarities of their works from hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, philosophical, and theatrical aspect. By comparing the plays of Ibsen and Vaptsarov, and by recognizing the motives of existentialism, humanism and individualism versus social antagonisms, we conclude that Vaptsarov inexhaustibly applies Ibsen’s dramatic models, accepting them as his own, and thus manages to achieve originality, authenticity and everlasting literary values.
Опис: Докторска дисертација одбранета во 2021 година на Филолошкиот факултет во Скопје, под менторство на проф. д–р Кристина Николовска.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/16227
Appears in Collections:UKIM 02: Dissertations from the Doctoral School / Дисертации од Докторската школа

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