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Наслов: Regional inequalities and contemporary problems in regional tourism development: a case of Macedonia
Authors: Iliev, Dejan 
Keywords: Regional development, regional inequalities, tourism development, Macedonia
Issue Date: 9-јан-2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Journal: Anatolia
Abstract: As a subject of this research, we take the analysis of problems in tourism development in the country at the regional NUTS 3 level. Problems in development arise due to large disparities that exist between regions, especially in the reallocation of resources, realized tourist trade, the regional distribution of accommodation facilities and the number of employees in the tourism industry. Research conducted on the example of Macedonia shows visible differences in the current stage of the development of tourism between active areas of tourism and underdeveloped areas. Uneven development of tourism in the country entails the need for planning the development of tourism and the policy of development to reduce regional disparities.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15643
DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2017.1422770
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Journal Articles

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