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Наслов: Air dispersion of heavy metals in the vicinity of the As-Sb-Tl abounded mine and responsiveness of moss as a biomonitoring media in small-scale investigations
Authors: Bačeva, Katerina
Stafilov, Trajče
Šajn, Robert
Tănăselia, Claudiu
Issue Date: дек-2013
Publisher: Springer Science and Business Media LLC
Journal: Environmental science and pollution research international
Abstract: A systematic study was carried out to investigate air deposition and to explore the natural distribution and enrichment (contamination) with trace elements in the small area (cca. 13 km(2)) of an antimony-arsenic-thallium mineralization outcrop at an abandoned mine "Allchar." The mine is located on the northwestern part of Kožuf Mount, Republic of Macedonia. The locality of Allchar is unique in its mineral composition; besides a very intriguing mineral, lorandite, there are 45 other minerals, some of which are rare. The distribution of 53 elements (with special attention to As, Sb, and Tl) were detected in 69 moss samples from eight various species collected from this area. Moss samples were analyzed following microwave digestion by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. It was found that the atmospheric deposition for As in the moss samples on or around the Allchar mine is >6.5 times higher and for Tl is 19 times higher compared to values for the samples from the rest of the Allchar area. By the application of multivariate cluster and R-mode factor analyses (FA), five geochemical associations were determined. Cluster and R-mode FA were used to identify and characterize element associations, and five associations of elements were determined by the method of multivariate statistics. F1 (Co, Cr, Fe, Sc, Li, V, Ga, Y, Ni, Mn, Al, La-Lu, Cu, Ge, Be, Bi, and Hf); F2 (As, Tl, Sb, and Mg); F3 (Rb, Cs, and Mo); F4 (Sr, Ba, Hf, Zr, La-Lu, and Bi), and F5 (Cd, Zn, Ag, and Cu).
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/15057
DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1845-0
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Journal Articles

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