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Наслов: Distribution of heavy elements in soil from countries of the Balkan Region
Authors: B. Škrbić, N. Durišić-Mladenović, M. Zorić, T. Stafilov, J. Halamić, R. Šajn,
Issue Date: 2011
Conference: 2nd CEFSER Workshop “Persistent organic pollutants in food and environment”, 26th Symposium on Recent Developments in Dairy Technology, BIOXEN Seminar “Novel Aproaches for Environmental Protection”, Novi Sad, Serbia, Proceedings, p. 203–209, 2011.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14951
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Journal Articles

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XIII_1785.pdfB. Škrbić, N. Durišić-Mladenović, M. Zorić, T. Stafilov, J. Halamić, R. Šajn, Distribution of heavy elements in soil from countries of the Balkan Region, 2nd CEFSER Workshop “Persistent organic pollutants in food and environment”, 26th Symposium on Recent Developments in Dairy Technology, BIOXEN Seminar “Novel Aproaches for Environmental Protection”, Novi Sad, Serbia, Proceedings, p. 203–209, 2011.334.81 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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