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Наслов: HPLC-method for determination of permethrin enantiomers using chiral beta-cyclodextrin-based stationary phase
Authors: Shishovska, Maja
Trajkovska, Vera
Issue Date: 15-мај-2010
Publisher: Wiley
Journal: Chirality
Abstract: The liquid chromatographic separation of permethrin enantiomers on chiral beta-cyclodextrin-based stationary phase has been investigated. All four enantiomers are obtained by using simple methanol and water mobile phase, under gradient mode. The method was optimized and validated. The relationship between temperature and chromatographic parameters: k' (capacity factor), alpha (separation factor) and Rs (resolution factor) was studied. Van't Hoff's curves for each enantiomer were plotted for temperature range 288-318 K. It was noticed that the response factor ratio of permethrin isomers differ and calculated value is found to be 1.66 (cis/trans, for n = 5). This method has been used for determining permethrin enantiomer ratio for a few samples of working standards and one formulation.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14882
DOI: 10.1002/chir.20773
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Journal Articles

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