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Наслов: A survey of lead pollution in surface soils in Mitrovica Region, Kosovo,
Authors: M. Aliu, R. Šajn, T. Stafilov,
Issue Date: 2011
Проект: 2nd International Workshop on the Project “Anthropogenic Effects on the Human Environment in the Neogene Basins in the SE Europe”, 2011, Zagreb, V. Bermanec, T. Serafimovski (Eds.), Proceedings, pp. 61–66.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/14862
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics: Journal Articles

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XIII_1713.pdfM. Aliu, R. Šajn, T. Stafilov, A survey of lead pollution in surface soils in Mitrovica Region, Kosovo, 2nd International Workshop on the Project “Anthropogenic Effects on the Human Environment in the Neogene Basins in the SE Europe”, 2011, Zagreb, V. Bermanec, T. Serafimovski (Eds.), Proceedings, pp. 61–66.530.87 kBAdobe PDFView/Open
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