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Наслов: Платон или за создавањето имиња
Other Titles: Plato, or on the name-making
Authors: Џукеска, Елена 
Keywords: Plato, names, iconicity
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Филозофски факултет - Скопје
Source: „Платон или за создавањето имиња“ во Зборник на текстови од меѓународната конференција одржана по повод 2400 Години од основањето на Платоновата академија, уред. Вера Георгиева и др., Скопје, 2016, стр. 303-319.
Conference: 2400 Години од основањето на Платоновата академија
Abstract: 2400 years later Plato's discussion on the correctness of the names i.e. on the origin and function of language in "Cratylus" has not ceased to raise questions and answers. The aim of this presentation is by means of linguistic analysis and comparison of this particular dialogue with the other dialogues to investigate Plato's attitude towards language in terms of his own name-making skill. And this skill as the research shows can be viewed both on the level of creation of words and on the level of development of new meanings and it represents significant contribution to the development of the Greek language.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12188/1316
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Philosophy 05: Conference papers / Трудови од научни конференции

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